Please cancel your appointment with me if your child or someone in the home is sick with any the following:
Fever 100 F or higher: Your child must be fever free and fever–reducer free (i.e acetaminophen, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Motrin and Advil) for 24 hours before therapy.
Vomiting or diarrhea: Your child needs to be free of these symptoms for 24 hrs and be tolerating their normal food intake.
Strep throat: Your child should be fever free and treated with antibiotics for a minimum 24 hours.
Colds/Nasal Congestion: Your child should be able to manage their secretions safely and effectively in order to attend to therapy.
Cough: Constant, audibly noisy, or productive cough (unless asthmatic and can be controlled with asthma medications).
Head Lice: Your child may continue after treatment and is “nit-free.”
Bed Bugs: Your child may continue after your home is free from infestation and underwent professional pest management.
Rash: Any unusual rash should be seen by the doctor before continuing therapy.
Conjunctivitis: Red, itchy eye(s) with drainage and crustiness. Please make sure to see your doctor and do not have therapy until 24 hours of antibiotic treatment has been administered and there is no further drainage.
If you are unsure whether your child feels well enough to participate in therapy, please reschedule the session until they feel better as benefit from therapy will be minimal if they are feeling unwell.
Most times, I will follow the Winthrop School Districts for closure and delays. Ultimately, I will make the final decision based on the roads in the morning, snow fall and forecast for the day. I will contact each client directly if I am closed or delayed. I will also post on Facebook if I am closed.